Research Frontiers on the International Marketing Strategies of Chinese Brands
Zuohao Hu and 2 more
Not Available
Chinese Macroeconomic Operation
Liu Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and 1 more
English Transitivity Alternation in Second Language Acquisition
Yuxia Wang
An Outline of Chinese Literature I
Yuan Xingpei
Contemporary China's Diplomacy
Xing Qu and 1 more
China's Historical Choice in Global Governance
Yafei He
Merchants and Society in Modern China. Rise of Merchant Groups
Tang Lixing
Merchants and Society in Modern China. From Guild to Chamber of Commerce
Game Theory and Chinese Society
Weiying Zhang
Structure and Changes of China’s Financial System
Jie Zhang
China’s Fiscal Policy
Gao Peiyong
The History of Sino-Japanese Cultural Exchange
Jun Professor and 2 more
Seven Lectures on Wang Guowei’s Renjian Cihua
Florence ChiaYing Yeh
Internationalization of the RMB
International Monetary Institute of the RUC Renmin University of China
Returning to Scientific Practice
Zhu Xu and 1 more
Academic Experiences of International Students in Chinese Higher Education
Routledge Firm
A History of Chinese Theatre in the 20th Century I
Fu Jin
Internet Finance in China
Ping China Investment Corporation and 4 more
China: Tackle the Challenge of Global Climate Change
Angang Hu and 1 more
Food Security and Social Protection for the Rural Poor in China
Ling Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and 1 more
Literature and Literary Theory in Contemporary China
Zhang Jiong
Zuohao Hu
Social Transformation and Chinese Experience
Peilin Li
A Corpus Study of Collocation in Chinese Learner English
Yuanwen Lu
John Leighton Stuart's Missionary-Educator's Career in China
Hao Ping
Scientists' Impact on Decision-making
Peng Ru
Economic Development and Reform Deepening in China
Jiagui Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and 1 more
Assessing Listening for Chinese English Learners
Pan School of Foreign Languages and 2 more
Macro-control and Economic Development in China
Complementarity Between Lexis and Grammar in the System of Person
Pin School of Foreign Languages and 2 more
On Aesthetic and Cultural Issues in Pragmatic Translation
Xiuwen Shanghai Jianqiao University and 1 more
Language Policy
Bingjun Professor and 4 more
Beyond the Iron House
Saiyin Sun
Chinese Cooperative-Harmonious Democracy
Zongchao Peng and 2 more
The Use of L1 Cognitive Resources in L2 Reading by Chinese EFL Learners
Shiyu Wu
Explanation, Laws, and Causation
Wei Wang
China's Low Birth Rate and the Development of Population
Guo Zhigang and 2 more
International Monetary Institute Renmin University of China
He Yafei
The Chinese Path to Economic Dual Transformation
Li Peking University and 2 more
Regulating China's Shadow Banks
Qingmin Chinese expert on financial regulation who has spent decades in positions at the China Banking Regulatory Commiss Yan
Free the Land
Jian CITIC Limited Co and 2 more
An Outline of Chinese Literature II
Xing China Institute of International Studies and 3 more
Government Foresighted Leading
Yunxian Guangdong Regional Management Innovation Center and 3 more
Peer-to-Peer Lending with Chinese Characteristics: Development, Regulation and Outlook
Shanghai Finance Institute PtoP Research Group
Literature and Literary Criticism in Contemporary China
Patterns and Meanings of Intensifiers in Chinese Learner Corpora
Chunyan Wang
Chinese Economic Growth and Fluctuations
China’s Economic Reform
Zhang Yu
He Liping
Building the Rule of Law in China
Weidong Ji
China in Symbolic Communication
Sui Communication University of China Yan
The Patterns of Symbolic Communication
John Leighton Stuart’s Political Career in China
Game Theory and Society
Weiying Peking University and 2 more
Xingpei Yuan
The Principles of New Ethics. Volume 3 Normative Ethics II
Haiming Wang
Demographic Perspective of China's Economic Development
Fang Cai
The BRICS Studies
Xu Xiujun
Global Studies. Volume 1 Globalization and Globality
Tuo Cai and 1 more
Global Studies. Volume 2 Process and Governance
China's Fiscal Policy
Structure and Changes of China's Financial System
Liu Shucheng
Identity Constructions in Bilingual Advertising
Songqing Li
Petitions and Power
Xing Ying
Market-Based Interest Rate Reform in China
China Finance 40 Forum Research Group
Skipping the Caudine Forks of Capitalism
Jiaxiang Zhao
Historical Evolution of the Eastern Mode of Production
Keywords in Western Literary Criticism and Contemporary China. Volume 1
Yamin Hu and 1 more
Merchants and Society in Modern China
Tang Shanghai Normal University Lixing
Creative Involvement
Yizhou Wang
Vertical Urbanism
Zhongjie Lin and 1 more
Cultural Reverse II. The Multidimensional Motivation and Social Impact of Intergenerational Revolution
Xiaohong Zhou
Chinese Buddhism and Traditional Culture
Litian Fang
Legal Protection of Private Equity Investors in China
Chi Zhang
Regulating Effect of Tax on Chinese National Income Distribution
Qingwang Guo and 2 more
Seven Lectures on Wang Guowei's Renjian Cihua
Chiaying Yeh and 1 more
The Belt and Road Initiative
Liu Weidong
Jun Teng
Technological Innovation and Economic Development in Modern Japan
Guan Quan
Syrian Civil War and Europe
Zhao Chen and 2 more
International Monetary Institute of the RUC
Xu Zhu and 1 more
Philosophy of Science
Wang Wei
Avoiding the ‘Thucydides Trap’
Dong Wang
Communicative Cities and Urban Space
Scott McQuire
Rural China, 1901-1949
Xianming Wang
Contemporary Studies on Modern Chinese History III
Zeng Yeying
Resources, Power, and Economic Interest Distribution in China
Yishan Zhang
The Way to a Great Country
Tian Xueyuan
On East Asian Regional Cooperation I
Zhang Yunling
On East Asian Regional Cooperation II
Living Conditions and Targeted Aiding Mechanisms of the Urban Underclass in China
Zhu Li and 1 more
The Hidden Land
Cheng Gu
Critical Pragmatic Studies on Chinese Public Discourse
Xinren Chen
China’s Middle Class
Li Youmei
Research on Migrant Children’s Educational Choices and Fiscal Policy
Hui China Academy of Financial Sciences Zhang
Reported Speech in Chinese and English Newspapers
XIN Bin and 1 more
Teaching and Researching Chinese EFL/ESL Learners in Higher Education
Zhongshe Lu
Establishment of "Drama" Orientation
Zhang Yifan
Dialogues on the Theory and Practice of Literary Translation
Xu Jun
Trade Openness and China's Economic Development
Miaojie Yu
Epistemology of News Frame
Xiao Wei
China in the Age of Global Capitalism
Xiaoping Wang
Unnatural Narrative across Borders
Biwu Shang
The Origin of East Asian Medieval Capital Construction System
Niu Runzhen
A History of Chinese Theatre in the 20th Century. III
Jin Fu
Understanding Young Chinese Backpackers
Jia Xie
Perception and Metaphor
Qin Xiugui and 1 more
Embodiment and Disembodiment in Live Art
Ke Shi
Immersive Communication
Qin Li
A History of Chinese Theatre in the 20th Century IV
Social Structure and Social Stratification in Contemporary China
Xueyi Lu
Social Construction and Social Development in Contemporary China
China Economic Transition Research
Renwei Zhao
Perceiving Truth and Ceasing Doubts
Cai Fang
Mei Tian
China Income Distribution Research
Demographic Perspective of China’s Economic Development
The Development of China's Information Resource Industry
Minghui Qian and 2 more
The Principles of New Ethics III
Wang Haiming
A History of Chinese Theatre in the 20th Century. I
Huiling Feng and 2 more
A Thematic Exploration of Twentieth-Century Western Literature
Jiang Chengyong and 2 more
Investment and Interventions to Improve the Quality of Education Systems
Jin Chi and 1 more
A Study of Labor Mobility in China
Sun Wenkai
Oral Epic Traditions in China and Beyond
Chao Gejin
Organizational Transformation and Order Reconstruction in "Village-Turned-Communities"
WU Ying
The History of Chinese Animation I
Lijun Sun
Global Studies
The History of Chinese Animation II
Xiujun Xu
A History of Chinese Theatre in the 20th Century II
Contemporary Studies on Modern Chinese History I
Contemporary Studies on Modern Chinese History II
The Many Roads to Becoming Modern
Chen Jiajian
China’s Economic Reform and Development during the 13th Five-Year Plan Period
Gang Lin
Cultural Economics
Inflation in China
Chengsi Zhang
Development of the Global Film Industry
Qiao Li
Innovation Competency Model
Jian Li
Cooperative Development in the South China Sea
Huaigao Qi and 1 more
The History of Chinese Feudal Society
Tungtsu Chu
The Principles of New Ethics I
The Principles of New Ethics II
Keywords in Western Literary Criticism and Contemporary China
Yamin Hu
Another Invisible Hand
Li Peilin
Population and Labour Market Policies in China's Reform Process
Wenkai Sun
A New Exploration of Hegel's Dialectics. Volume 3 The Three-Dimensional Structure
Deng Xiaomang
A New Exploration of Hegel's Dialectics. Volume 2 The Tensions of Speculation
Xiaomang Deng
China's Maritime Boundaries in the South China Sea
Jinming Research center for Southeast Asian Studies at Xiamen University Li
Quan Guan
The Metaphysics of Philosophical Daoism
Kai Zheng
Zhao Jiaxiang
Leaping Over the Caudine Forks of Capitalism
Theories and Practices of Scientific Socialism
Cultural Reverse I
The Development Trajectory of Eastern Societies
English in China
Songqing Associate Professor and 3 more
Metadiscursive Nouns
Feng Kevin School of Foreign Language Education and 1 more
Avoiding the 'Thucydides Trap'
Dong Wang and 1 more
After Postmodernism
Ning Wang
Reimaging Pre-Service Teachers’ Practical Knowledge
Ge Wei
The Complexity of Rural Migration in China
Xiong Fengshui
Woven Arch Bridge
LIU Lecturer at Kunming University of Science and Technology and 1 more
Revisiting China's Rural Urbanisation
Daming Zhou
Shortening the Distance between Government and Public in China II
Liu Renmin University of China Xiaoyan
China in the Eyes of the Japanese
Wang Xiuli and 2 more
Shamanic and Mythic Cultures of Ethnic Peoples in Northern China II
Fu Yuguang
Shamanic and Mythic Cultures of Ethnic Peoples in Northern China I
Shortening the Distance between Government and Public in China I
Fiscal Policy and Institutional Renovation in Support of Innovative Country Building
Jia Kang
The Crisis of Distribution
Shouwen Zhang
The Principles of New Ethics IV
Distributive Institutions
Scott McQuire and 1 more
Industrial Development in Modern China
Documentaries and China’s National Image
Chen Yi
Contemporary Studies on Modern Chinese History. III
Yeying Zeng and 2 more
International Regimes in Global Health Governance
Jiyong Jin
Tariff Structure, Intermediate Goods, and China-U.S. Trade Friction
Haichao Fan
Zhang Yishan and 2 more
Rural China, 1901–1949
Wang Xianming
The Emission Reduction Effects of Spatial Agglomeration
Zhang Ke
Chinese Law of Personality Rights II
Wang Liming
China’s Aid, Trade and Investment to Africa
Wang Xinying
A Hope for Philosophy II
Ye Xiushan
The Relationship Between Trust and Social Capital of China’s Urban Residents
Zou Yuchun
The Indigenization of Christianity in China. Volume 1 1807-1922
Qi Duan
Two-Dimensional People
Tongxue Tan
Chinese Thought in a Multi-Cultural World
Daiyun Yue
China's Middle Class
Youmei Li
Internationalisation of Chinese Enterprises
Zongda Jia
Communication and Community in the New Media Age
Wang Bin
The Economics of Government Regulation
Wang Junhao
Urban Regeneration in China
Yan Tang and 1 more
Organizational Learning in China
Yu Professor at Beijing Normal University and 1 more
Political and Economic Analysis of State-Owned Enterprise Reform
Huiming Zhang
Runzhen Niu
Xie Jia
Cultural Expression and Subjectivity of Chinese Peasants
Sha Yao
A Comprehensive Study of Tang Poetry II
Lin Geng
A History of Chinese Theatre in the 20th Century III
A Comprehensive Study of Tang Poetry. I
Geng Lin
Bin Xin and 1 more
Chinese Economic Development
Yinxing Hong and 1 more
Cultural Internationalism
Guo Shuyong
Zhongshe Lu and 2 more
Xiugui Qin and 1 more
Economic Growth and Income Distribution in the Development of China’s Dual Economy
Wang Dihai
Chinese Teacher Compensation System of Compulsory Education
Jiang Jinqiu
Macroeconomic Policy and Steady Growth in China
Zhang Xiaojing
The Self-assertion of Chinese Academia and Marxist Philosophy
WU Xiaoming
"The Belt and Road" International Migration of Asia
Hong Mi and 2 more
New Research on Cohesion and Coherence in Linguistics
Zhang Delu and 1 more
The Nanjing Massacre and the Making of Mediated Trauma
Hongtao Li and 1 more
China and the Pursuit of Harmony in World Politics
Adam Grydehøj and 1 more
China Urban and Rural Public Education Service Equalization
Luo Zhe
Economics of the Pandemic
Philosophy of Chinese Art
Zhirong Zhu
The “Socialist Transformation” of Memory
Yusi Liu and 1 more
The Magic Cube of Ancient Chinese Poetry
Ge Zhaoguang
A Cultural History of the Chinese Character “Ta (?, She)”
Huang Xingtao
The Chinese Rhyme Tables
Pan Wenguo
Historical Phonology of Chinese
Dong Tonghe
Economic Development in Modern China Since 1949
Clean Energy Diplomacy
Li Xinlei
Introduction to Ethical Literary Criticism
Nie Zhenzhao
Shifting Traditions of Childrearing in China
Xin Guo
Toward Multimodal Pragmatics
Lihe Huang
No School Left Behind
Wei Gao and 1 more
The Dual-Entity of Market Competition
Yunxian Chen
Intertextuality in the English Translations of San Guo Yan Yi
Wenqing Peng
The Educational Hopes and Ambitions of Left-Behind Children in Rural China
Yang Hong
China's Formal Online Education under COVID-19
Zehui Zhan and 3 more
Migrant Children in State/quasi-State Schools in Urban China
Hui Yu
Introduction to Contemporary Art in China
Lao Zhu
Research on Investment Scale and Allocation Structure of Chinese Higher Education Finance
Yongmei Hu and 1 more
International Comparative Perspectives on the Treatment of “Urban Diseases”
Lu Xiaocheng
Elasticity and Toughness
Feng Wei
Environmental Risk Communication in China
Jia Dai and 1 more
Organizational Transformation and Order Reconstruction in "Village-Turned-Community"
Wu Ying
Barriers to Inclusive Education in Chinese Primary Schools
Qinyi Tan
China’s New Normal, Supply-side, and Structural Reform
A Corpus-based Contrastive Study of the Appraisal Systems in English and Chinese Scientific Research Articles
Xu Yuchen and 3 more
Aging in the Context of Urbanization
Fan Yang
Understanding the Professional Agency of Female Language Teachers in a Chinese University
Xiaolei Ruan
Constructing Social Support Systems for Left-behind and Migrant Children in China
Ling Li
Children’s Museums as a New Informal Learning Environment in China
Xin Gong
Between Sacred and Secular Knowledge
Yanbi Hong
A Dynamic Systems Theory Perspective on L2 Writing Development
Shaopeng Li
The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Citizenship
Zhonghua Sun YatSen University and 1 more
Jiajian Chen
The Transformation of American Political Culture and the Impact on Foreign Strategy
PAN Yaling
Zhong Xu and 1 more
China and Africa in Global Context
LI Anshan
Northern and Southern China
He Xuefeng
New Media Users in China II
Peng Lan
New Media Users in China I
Sino-Foreign Cultural Exchange
Cai Hongsheng
A Concise History of China’s Population
Jianxiong Ge
Literature and Power
Zhu Guohua
Integration Development in the China Yangtze River Delta
Zhibiao Liu
Property and Justice
Zhang Wenxi
Chinese Narratology I
Yang Yi
Chinese Narratology II
Infodemic in the Era of Post-Truth
Yan Su
Cosmopolitanism from the Grassroots
Ping Song
The Cultural Turn in Translation Studies
Wang Ning
A Study of Excavated Documents in China
Wang Guiyuan
A Study of Chinese Characters
Attraction of Knowledge Celebrities
Xiaoyu Chen
Internet Regulation and the International Trade Regime
Nanxiang Sun
A Study of the Urban Poetics of Frank O’Hara
Wang Xiaoling and 2 more
Imagined China
Wang Haizhou
Feng Kevin Jiang
The History of Chinese Presence in Nigeria (1950s–2010s)
Shaonan Liu
Politics of Democratic Breakdown
Gangsheng Bao
Industrial Geography in Contemporary China
Canfei He
Family Burden Coefficient in China
Tian Feng
Embracing the New Two-Child Policy Era
Xiumin Hong and 2 more
Political Economy in the Evolution of China's Urban–Rural Economic Relations
Fan Gao
Chinese Law of Personality Rights I
Population and Labour Market Policies in China’s Reform Process
A New Exploration of Hegel's Dialectics I
A New Exploration of Hegel's Dialectics II
A New Exploration of Hegel's Dialectics III
Studies on Chinese Discourse Grammar
Anthropology of Cultural Transformation II
Xudong Zhao
Anthropology of Cultural Transformation I
Literary Communication in Song Dynasty
Wang Zhaopeng
A Hope for Philosophy I
Xiushan Ye
Modern Chinese Grammar. I Syntax
Li Wang
Modern Chinese Grammar II. Grammatical Constituents
Ke Zhang
Modern Chinese Grammar IV. Special Forms and Europeanized Grammar
Modern Chinese Grammar. III Substitution and Numeration
Structural Change and Evolution of China's Internet Society
Liu Shaojie
Geostrategic Psychology and the Rise of Forbearance
Peng Jiang
Reconsideration of Science and Technology III
Liu Dachun and 3 more
China's Aid, Trade and Investment to Africa
Reconsideration of Science and Technology I
Reconsideration of Science and Technology II
Documentaries and China's National Image
Chinese Macroeconomy
Ninghua Sun
Cognitive Neural Mechanism of Semantic Rhetoric
Qiaoyun Liao and 1 more
The Relationship Between Trust and Social Capital of China's Urban Residents
Yuchun Zou
Constructing Space
Chunguang Wang
The Indigenization of Christianity in China. I 1807-1922
China's Economic Development
Liming Wang and 1 more
Singapore Mandarin Grammar. I
Jianming Lu
Nationalisation, Peasantry and Rural Integration in China. II
Yong Xu
Migration and Educational Policymaking in China
Deeper Learning
Hang Hu
Reimaging Pre-Service Teachers' Practical Knowledge
Nationalisation, Peasantry and Rural Integration in China. I
Restriction and Creation
Di Deng
Gender Imbalance and Marriage Squeeze in China
Quanbao Jiang and 1 more
Social Mentality and Public Opinion in China
Fanbin Zeng
Dual Narrative Dynamics
Dan Shen
Comprehensive Land Consolidation in China
Yan Jinming and 1 more
Tan Tongxue
Rural-Urban Migration in China
Zheng Xin
Precise Poverty Alleviation and Intergenerational Mobility in China
Chunjin Chen
The Indigenization of Christianity in China III
The Indigenization of Christianity in China II
The "Historicization" of Contemporary Literature
Guangwei Cheng
A Study of Shang Dynasty Aesthetic Consciousness
Approaching the Tsinghua Bamboo Slips
Guozhong Liu
Social Mentality and Online Life of China's Elderly
Gao Wenjun and 3 more
Community Governance in China
Wu Xiaolin
Automated Written Corrective Feedback in Research Paper Revision
Qian Guo and 2 more
Conscience and Cognition in Social Research
Qingxiong Zhang
Economic Growth and Income Distribution in the Development of China's Dual Economy
Dihai Wang
The Chinese Rhyme Tables. Volume II
Wenguo Pan
The Chinese Rhyme Tables. Volume I
The Global Film Market Transformation in the Post-Pandemic Era
Qiao Li and 2 more
Contemporary Chinese Novels in Translation Since 1978
Yun Wu
Lu Xun and Russia
Yu Sun
The Origin and Evolution of China's Names. Volume 1 The Reigning Dynasties
Axiang Hu
The Origin and Evolution of China's Names. Volume 2 Domestic and Foreign Appellations
Visual Culture in Contemporary China I
Zhou Xian
A Complementary Study of Lexicalist Approaches and Constructionist Approaches
Qilong Cheng and 1 more
Fuzzy Language in Literature and Translation
Lu Shao
Price Analysis of China's Carbon Emissions
Wenju Wang
A Study of Vladimir Nabokov's Cosmopolitan Literary Thoughts
Xiaoling Wang
New Media Users in China. II A Mediatization Perspective
Lan Peng
New Media Users in China. I A Nodes Perspective
Zhaoguang Ge
China's Social Credit
Xuewei Zhai and 1 more
Interaction and Knowledge Construction in Online English Teaching
Yining Zhang
The "Socialist Transformation" of Memory
Singapore Mandarin Grammar. II
A Critical History of Contemporary Chinese Fiction
The Central Government-Funded Teacher Education Policy in China
Yi Liu
Cultural Representation and Cultural Studies
Xian Zhou
Economic Development in Modern China Before 1949
Law and Literature
Li Su
Social Continuity and Rupture in Rural China. II The External Dynamics of the Huizhou Hyper-Stability Structure
Lixing Tang
Social Continuity and Rupture in Rural China
State Governance and Public Finance Theory
Ma Jun and 1 more
Visual Culture in Contemporary China II
Perceiving Plato's Concern
Keping Wang
Dispute and Resolution Mechanism in Modern China
Yilong Lu
Dispute and Risk Preventing in Modern China
Lu Yilong
The Bureaucracy in the Song Period
Deng Xiaonan
The Study of EFL Learners' Oral Language Development
Hanjing Yu
Rural Control in Imperial China I
Xiqi Lu
Rural Control in Imperial China II
Fiscal Policy in China (1949-2019)
Yang Zhiyong
Five Growth Poles
Zhang Ming and 2 more
Windfall Wealth and Envy in Contemporary China
Zhang Hui
On Translation
The Cities of Song China II
Bao Weimin
The Cities of Song China I
Local Stories and National History of China I
Chen Chunsheng
Local Stories and National History of China II
Exploring Grammatical Metaphor
Zhong Yang